Experience Wycombe Abbey

Frequently Asked Questions

Thank you to everyone who submitted questions to the live panels.

Here are answers to the FAQs from each session.


Wycombe Abbey enables girls to open their minds and to develop their personal passions. The learning environment is supportive, yet challenging, with a sense that pupils and their teachers are on an educational journey together. We pride ourselves on the outstanding teaching provided by our specialists who communicate a genuine love of their subject and serve to inspire the girls they teach.

We believe that education should not simply be about delivering a curriculum and examination syllabus, but that real learning stems from stimulating intellectual curiosity and nurturing a love for the subjects being taught, which will stay with our girls throughout their lives.

As the UK’s top girls’ boarding school we consistently achieve superb academic success. Our girls perform exceptionally across many different disciplines, achieving excellent results in public examinations. The GCSE and A level results for 2020/2021 were outstanding with 90.32% of examinations awarded an A* grade and 99% of grades at A*- A.  At A level, 63.9% of grades were awarded A*, with 99% of results graded at A*-B.


You are assured a warm welcome from the Admissions team at Wycombe Abbey.

Our entry points are at age 11, 13 and 16 and we offer scholarships and bursaries at each of these stages. We are looking for potential rather than prior attainment and welcome girls whatever their background and education. We want bright, motivated, engaged girls with an enthusiasm for boarding – girls who will enjoy contributing to all areas of School life. We also offer a limited number of day places each year for candidates living within a 15 mile radius of the School.

We understand the importance of choosing the right school. Our Director of Admissions, Mrs Cat Sutherland-Hawes, and her team are always available to answer your questions and guide you throughout the process: admissions@wycombeabbey.com.

In this section you can watch three presentations and view further admissions documentation and material about the School.


Whether a girl is an aspiring aerospace engineer, actor or anthropologist, there are many activities and resources available to help her pursue her passions beyond the core curriculum. Our enrichment activities allow girls the opportunity to follow their own lines of enquiry into the areas that interest them the most.

Girls at Wycombe Abbey enjoy a wide variety of interests and opportunities within exceptional outdoor and indoor facilities. As girls take part in extra-curricular Art, Dance, Drama, Music and Sport they develop creativity, leadership and teamwork.

A strong leadership and service ethic combined with an emphasis on a globalised and entrepreneurial worldview is an intrinsic part of Wycombe Abbey life, supported by the many co-curricular opportunities on offer.


Boarding is the key to our continued success. The School has a culture that stimulates and inspires throughout the day, seven days a week, empowering girls to achieve their best, academically and socially. In our happy and close community, each girl is known, and cherished, as an individual. Every girl’s potential, whatever that might be, is explored and fulfilled. Girls learn to be independent, to value and support others, and to develop the skills needed for future challenges in a global workplace.

Wellbeing at Wycombe Abbey is centred on the needs of the girls. Our boarding environment nurtures the girls to be flexible and creative; to think critically and communicate ideas; to work alone and in a team; to respect themselves and others.

As a Christian Foundation, there is a strong sense of community within the School as well as an appreciation for traditional values and a respect for all faiths and backgrounds.

Watch the replays from our online open day